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  Phone: 01372 735 999


On air now: Wednesday 8am – 9am
Eighties Greats
Local bands

Local bands

We love new music and supporting our local community so we're always on the lookout for local bands who's like to get their music played on air.

How to submit your music

Email a good quality MP3 (256kbps minimum) of your bands best song to we’ll consider playing it.

Here are some things you might want to consider before whilst choosing a song to send us:

  • Please bear in mind your audience, please ensure that your music contains no swear words, offensive language or anything that might be considered sensitive in a hospital.
  • Any music you send us must be your own work, we will not play any cover versions.
  • We will listen to the music that you send us and if it is deemed to be appropriate for our audience, it will be played on Andy Tijou's show on Tuesday evenings, it may also get aired on other programmes too.
  • We’ll even plug you on this page of the website.
  • Music is played at Andy Tijou's discretion only if it is deemed suitable for his audience, Epsom Hospital Radio is a charity, a not-for-profit organisation, this page is purely about promoting local bands, we do not pay bands who have submitted music to us for playing their music.

Artists who have featured in the past: