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Classical music
Trevor Leonard

Trevor Leonard

Trevor Leonard is Epsom Hospital Radio’s longest serving member, having joined the station in 1981.

You can currently listen to Trevor on Epsom Hospital Radio every Saturday between Noon and 2pm for "Through The Decades". A show that features a hit from every year from the '60s, '70s and '80s.

In 2009 Trevor was appointed Epsom Hospital Radio's Life President and remains a regular and active contributor to the stations broadcasting and fundraising activities.

Questions and Answers: 

What's your favourite genre of music?

My own music collection is wide and varied with everything from classical to current day artists. As a very young child in the 60’s I remember listening to the radio and liking The Bachelors and The Monkees. In my pre-teens Glam Rock was in and I thought Slade and The Sweet were the pick of the bunch.

I do like a lot of the music from 'before my time' like the late 50's and early 60's artists. I can't help but feel that these artists had genuine talent and worked hard to establish themselves. The longevity of appeal that artists such as Elvis, The Beatles, Cliff, Buddy Holly and Roy Orbison still have is testament to this viewpoint.

When you're not at Epsom Hospital Radio, what are you doing?

For the 'Day Job', I work for a specialist insurance agent. I also do football coaching and have a season ticket for both Chelsea - held since long before the more recent successful times - and for Leatherhead FC. Although I recently moved out of the area after more than 40 years, I still consider them my local team.

If you had £1,000,000 to spend on yourself and no-one else what would you spend it on?

First, a bigger house with games room and somewhere to build a small radio studio. If I had any left, I'd buy my own football club. It wouldn't buy a top one, but maybe a local semi-pro outfit. Maybe I could invest in Leatherhead!

What is your ideal holiday destination?

A comfortable house on a quiet beach with a radio, a well stocked fridge and a large screen TV with satellite so I can keep in touch with what's happening back home - and watch all the footie!

What is your favourite film?


No, seriously, the honest answer is that I really don't have one, I guess the films I've seen most times are probably the original Die Hard, and a documentary film made about Elvis 1970 Vegas shows called "That's The Way It Is". That gives an amazing insight into a unique entertainer at the height of his power.

What is your favourite TV programme?

Of all time? - The Sweeney! The format and production methods were years ahead of their time. I also remember loving Blue Peter as a kid. John Noakes was a brilliant children’s presenter. Tiswas and Grange Hill were essential viewing as well. Re-runs of the original Minder still raise a smile. The only soaps I watch are Corrie and Eastenders.

Who is your favourite comedian?

Morcombe and Wise left us a lot of classic moments, as did Laurel & Hardy. I also thought Jasper Carrott was great when he first came on the scene.

Who is your favourite sports team/star?

The team award has to go to Chelsea Football Club who I’ve followed since I was 6 years old. Favourite players would be Zola, Dixon, Bonetti, Lampard and Terry. The individual award would go to Sir Ian Botham. A wonderful entertainer on the cricket field, who has done a lot for good causes off the field as well.

What is your favourite drink?

Tea. (I’m such a rebel!).

What is your favourite food?

Good old traditional fish'n'chips, but they need to be cooked in oil, not fat.

What inspires you?

The satisfaction of a job well done.

Middle name?

Roy – After my father who is the hardest worker I’ve ever known, or am ever likely to know.

Star sign?

I’m a crab. Although I have to admit that I can never work out why some people put such importance on astronomy. But each to their own I guess.

Most tenuous claim to fame?

I was once one of two guests on a talk show along with Karen Woodward of Bananarama.

Most treasured belongings?

I suppose I'd have to say the record collection. Now there's a surprise answer! But the most treasured 'thing' would be the ongoing good health of those who matter to me.

Favourite smell?

The salty air you notice when you first get out the car at Worthing. Real Christmas Trees. Lavender, Lemons, and (on those rare occasions when I have time, and don’t care about cholesterol,) a nice cooked breakfast.

Best moment(s) of ad-lib broadcasting?

In the days before mobile phones I was phoning in a sports report for a local radio station from a phone box. It was on an FA Trophy match where Sutton United had beaten Bath City 6-1, so there was a lot to talk about and I was given 3 minutes to fill.
Less than a minute into the report with the score at 2-0, the wind suddenly blew all my notes 20 yards down the road. I had to ad-lib the rest of it, describing 5 more goals and other incidents in detail and the correct chronological order. I somehow got through it.
Out of curiosity I listened back to it later. By some miracle the details were correct and it sounded fine.

On another occasion Epsom Radio was at a school fete in a rather rough area and while I was talking I realised some youth, (I could think of other words to describe him,) attempting to pick my pocket! I reacted and got him in a headlock with my free arm, while still talking into the mic held in the other hand.

Fortunately two Community Police Officers were also there and saw what happened. He was arrested as I carried on with the link and got some generous applause at the end of it from the many decent people present. We didn’t go there again though.

What was the Number 1 single on the day you were born?

"Three Steps To Heaven" by Eddie Cochran.

What record drives you mad when you hear it?

"Wuthering Heights" by Kate Bush. Sounds like two Tom cats having a fight. Also "Always On My Mind" from the Pet Shop Boys and UB40's version of "Can't Help Falling In Love". Both bands took a classic, emotive ballad and made it sound like everything else they recorded.

What is your favourite album?

ABC's "The Lexicon Of Love". It's relatively short, but Trevor Horn's production makes it a masterpiece.

Have you met anyone famous and if so, under what circumstances?

Through a long involvement with Epsom Hospital Radio and other organisations, I've been very lucky enough to meet many famous and interesting people. Amongst the most pleasant and modest people you could ever wish to meet would be the Chelsea legend Gianfranco Zola and the former Dr Who Patrick Troughton, who I opened a fate with in 1985. Interviewing Sir Ian Botham in 1989 is a fond memory as well.

Who is your favourite radio presenter?

A difficult call and I can't split Tony Blackburn, Steve Wright and Sir Terry Wogan. I grew up listening to Tony Blackburn on the Radio 1 Breakfast Show and to this day he has such enthusiasm for his work. Steve Wright for his inventiveness. He introduced the 'zoo radio' format to the UK. Sir Terry is simply a legend. A consummate professional who appeals to such a diverse listenership.

Apart from your current partner, who would be your ideal dinner date and why?

It would be wonderful to have had the chance to sit down and talk to Elvis. The fascinating stories he could tell!

I once had a dream that I was invited round to dinner by Beethoven. It was a complete waste of time - I spent all night ringing the bell.

If you were marooned on a desert island, what would be the items you'd need most?

My asthma inhalers!!!