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On air now: Wednesday 7am – 8am
Classical music
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Monday's Schedule

Easy listening

Easy Listening

12am – 1am

An hour of relaxing music to unwind to.

Golden classics

Golden Classics

1am – 7am

Classic tracks that everyone knows and loves, songs to make you go Oooooooohh!

Classical music


7am – 8am

Popular classical music and some well known singers.

Sixties Mix


8am – 9am

All of the best hits from one of the best decades for music, the sixties.

Nineties Music

Nineties Music

9am – 10am

An hour of the greatest hits of the nineties!

Eighties Greats


10am – 11am

How do you wear headphones when you have a mullet? Something to ponder when you listen to some great music from the eighties.

Classical music


11am – 12pm

Popular classical music and some well known singers.

Why Aren't You Normal Epsom

Lewis Stephens

12pm – 1pm

Lewis asks "Why Aren't You Normal Epsom?" As he talks to people from the local community about extraordinary things that they have done.

Andy's Music on a Tedious Theme

Andy Tijou

1pm – 2pm

Andy Tijou introduces an hour of music linked by a theme.

Space, weather, roads, animals, tune in to see which tedious theme it will be at 1pm.

Golden classics

Golden Classics

2pm – 3pm

Classic tracks that everyone knows and loves, songs to make you go Oooooooohh!

Number 1 Hits

Number 1 Hits

3pm – 4pm

An hour of songs that topped the charts!

Andy Tijou

Andy Tijou

4pm – 6pm

Join Andy for:

  • Silly stories from the news
  • On this day
  • New music from local bands
  • Your requests
  • Hospital information
  • Your favourite hits

In concert

In Concert

6pm – 7pm

Great music, from a great artist live in concert.

Juke Box


7pm – 8pm

Your favourite hits non-stop

Juke Box


8pm – 10pm

Your favourite hits non-stop

American Song Book

American Songbook

10pm – 11pm

An hour of great American Hits.

The Blues Show

11pm – 12am

Slow soulful Blues music to help you relax